Ladie’s Room in NYC

Ross writes:

Spotted this the other day at a cultural institution in New York City. I can’t be more specific without getting in trouble. Thought you’d appreciate the thought that went into putting the apostrophe in the wrong place. Surely it couldn’t be “Ladies'”?

I like the random capitalization and punctuation. (And, how on earth would Ross “get in trouble” for describing where he took this picture?)

You’r On Camera!

Sara in SD writes:

This was posted at the gas station I usually go to in North Sioux City, SD. Maybe they weren’t sure if it should be “your” or “you’re” so they combined the two. Do you think it stops people from driving off and not paying?

Motel Movie Mistakes

Emily writes:

I found this in an info book at a motel I stayed in recently. The book listed all the video cassettes the motel had for hire. This is just one of pages upon pages of abuse – most of it your garden variety – utter lack of apostrophes in possessives, and too many in plurals (see for example #270 on the list).

“Getty’sburg”, though, took the cake.

I love that they have a NKOTB video available.

Christmass Tree’s

Alden writes:

Spotted this at my local grocery store. I think this particular store has one employee in charge of most of their signs — it’s consistent handwriting, and the signs frequently contain some deviation from standard English that makes me wince. In fact, I was so busy wincing over the “tree’s” that it wasn’t until I got home and uploaded this pic that I realized it was also “Christmass.” Perhaps my anonymous sign-making friend is extra devout and wishes to remind us of the origins of this holiday?