Greengrocer’s apostrophe arrives in Spain

Peter writes:

The grocer’s apostrophe has arrived in real Spain, Spanish Spain.
This is surprising as the Spanish do not use it at all – not for possessives and not for elisions. This picture was shot in Sanlúcar, Cádiz province – most definitely a Brit-free zone.
There are plenty stray apostrophes on the Costas [or should I say Costa’s] where they offer paella and chip’s and tortilla and chips’; but the only English spoken in these parts is by the Spanish sherry families who speak it with Harrovian or Eton accents and certainly know where to put their apostrophes.

Pretzel Boy’s

Amy writes:

This store recently opened near us, and when we drove by and saw the sign, I said, “I’m going to cry.” My husband, always ready to give someone the benefit of the doubt, said, “Well, it _could_ be correct. If it’s one guy.” I told him I bet him the movie date of my choice that it was TWO guys. When we got home, I checked the “Our Story” section of their website. It’s two guys. 🙁

It’s one thing for guys in the pretzel business to not know how to punctuate their name, but how, in the name of all the gods, does a sign maker not bother to check spelling, grammar and punctuation (since words are their job!), and NOT correct someone spending all that money on a custom neon storefront sign?
