Robyn writes:
Unfortunately I didn’t see this sign until I was stopped at a light almost directly beside it, but it is an ad for a mattress store in Saskatoon, SK, Canada. “Not 1 but 2 truck load is on sale”???
Joel writes:
The sad thing is that I’ve seen this at more than one BK which means it was probably done at the franchise level tens of thousands of times.
Well, except this one, courtesy of Mike:
This photo attached is courtesy of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Up in the gallery of the House chamber is this sign…Sorry I couldn’t get a better angle, but if you look closely, that isn’t a stray mark between the o and s in photo’s on the sign.
Also, that should be “any time” (two words).
Rick writes:
Imagine my shock and dismay to see a new banner in front of the downtown office of the Cass County Bank the other day:
We Support The Library’s
The sign indicates support of the library’s what? Perhaps the sign should have said the library (there is only one in town)? Or it indicated support of all libraries, as this is a national effort to address our national literacy crisis? The misplaced apostrophe caused some amusement at first, then consternation as I looked to see who was responsible. NEA? IMLS? Arts Midwest? Sheesh!
Sarah writes:
If I saw a woman wearing this shirt, I would have to slap her. And Bob.
Perhaps it’s just an odd variation of “I’m Bob Love”.