The city where apostrophes arent welcome

The city where apostrophes arent welcome:

Its a little difficult to place sometimes, but if itd never been invented our sentences wouldnt be so easy to read and wed all get confused because we wouldnt know who owned anything.

But the apostrophe is obviously just too challenging for some.

Birmingham City Council has dropped possessive apostrophes from its road and street signs altogether – so St Paul’s Square becomes St Pauls, for example.

(Thanks to prescottstudent for sending this in!)

Neglect on a shirt

Celeste writes:

I saw this t-shirt in the Shakespearean Gift Shop at Southern Utah University. The would have correct grammar usage except they completely left out the necessary apostrophe.

Maybe it’s printed in white ink. 😉 The lettering certainly seems to be spaced to receive that apostrophe!

Abuse across Arizona

Joe writes:

My friend and I caught these signs somewhere in western Arizona on our way from San Diego to Lake Havasu. The “Perfume – Bike’s – Basket’s” one is particularly confusing.

I do like the mix of plurals with and without apostrophes — I wonder what goes on in the head of the person making the sign…