Laura sends in this sign she spotted at her local Target that makes it look like…
the new artist Thank You has come out with his own set of note cards.
Librarian/Grammar Geek Jennifer writes:
Teach your baby to misuse apostrophes! It’s never to early to start!
This was haunting me at a Target store in Ann Arbor. I kept seeing it every time I went there (which is, um, a lot). Finally I took a picture of it and then hid it behind some tax prep software.
Steve writes:
This sign has been posted down the street from me in Novato, California for well over a year. Every time I walk past it I want to bring some maroon paint and fix it. As an aside, I also see a trend in the use of initial capitals in ad copy such as this one. Save initial caps for titles, please!
…although one could at least make the argument that the signmaker was using the apostrophe to mark the omission of “minium”.
This apostrophe error appears on all the MasterPark shuttle vans at SeaTac airport: