Terrible Two’s Tough

Spring writes in with..

Attached is a picture of apostrophe abuse on the new Reynolds Wrap commercial. It claims its product is “terrible two’s tough”, inadvertently making the claim that “terrible two IS tough.” Whatever THAT means.

I haven’t seen the commercial, so maybe I’m missing something, but even without the apostrophe, what does “Terrible Twos Tough” mean? Are you supposed to wrap your kid in the stuff when he starts acting up or something?

Why cartoon cats shouldn’t teach grammar…

John writes…

Can it get worse? Not only did they replace the plural/possessive S with a Z, but they put the apostrophe in the wrong place. Would “kidz’ meal” have been better? No, I don’t think so. I think this might be one situation where you’re better off just leaving the apostrophe off, if you insist on replacing an S with a Z.